jueves, 23 de mayo de 2013

Welcome to your 1102 English course!

The objective of this course is for you to develop or improve your reading comprehension skills.

If you have any questions concerning the course, feel free to contact me:

To begin, make sure you read the class syllabus carefully. Here you will know how you will be evaluated:

Dangers of not knowing how to read:

miércoles, 15 de mayo de 2013

Important Links


Important Links:

1) Dictionary from English to Spanish: 

           2) Dictionary from English to English:

3) Pronunciation of words:

4) Short Stories and Readings:

 5) Short Stories (Intermediate Level) with audio:


6) Ebooks (Short Stories written by the professor)


7) Edgar Allen Poe Stories:


8) Reading Strategies (Power Point)


  9) How to read  critically:

            10) How to write a summary:


              11) Benefits of Reading:

miércoles, 1 de mayo de 2013

Class Work


Class Work:

1) Answer the following multiple intelligence survey, in order to know your learning style:


2) You know you're Puerto Rican if...

Video= You know you're Puerto Rican if...

3) Novel- "Dreams of a Boricua" 
                  By:Inés M. Arroyo
Part I- "Dreams of a Boricua in New York"

   4) Short Story- Where is my dead brother?


martes, 30 de abril de 2013


#1-  Book Talker (25 pts)-July 11


#2- Letter to a character (25 pts)-July 18


Short Story: (Dear Dad)

Short Story with audio:

#3- Responding to a movie- (Courageous)
(25 pts)- July 24


#4- Article related to your concentration 
(25 pts)- July 29
